How I survived well in the ’20s


I turned 69 years old in Jan 2020. One would have looked forward to such an event. Fortunately, I was quite
healthy at 69. I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. I don’t walk a tightrope.
I exercise when I want a coffee. I’ll walk the 12 minutes to my favorite coffee shop.

In the next few weeks, I’ll be giving a detailed Survival Guide.

Week 1

When Covid threatened I got my personal hygiene up a notch. we cleaned the apt from head to toe.
We emptied Closets and cleaned and each item returned to the closet was wiped down with Clorox wipes.
We dawned masks in Feb 2020.
We bought a year’s supply of Toilet paper and 12 bottles of hydrogen peroxide.
We prepared for a “LOCKDOWN” well before that was even mentioned on the TV.

The apartment was clean and disinfected. We sprayed everything with HP.
We had meat in the freezer and canned food that should last 6 months for two people.
Soon in March COVID became REAL when Starbucks pulled in its outdoor seating and the grocery store had bare shelves and then my CHURCH CLOSED.

Even if you don’t have a future there is a reason you are still alive

The two of us hunkered down to a Global SHUTDOWN and a national LOCKDOWN. We were to stay inside.
Our Busy street became an empty lane. NO TRAFFIC.
I could not walk for a coffee, just for exercise.

People wore masks. Even the homeless and the RICH landowners wore a mask.

Church ministers wore masks and spoke with us through a window.|
The Volunteer Minister organized and put out some Stay Well protocols booklets. Distributing around the neighborhood.
Church Elders and management found a military-grade decontamination DCON 7. This was used to disinfect and decontaminate the rooms, the whole building even the street and cars and Metro buses, and they extended their help to local churches and vendors and office buildings, and government buildings including police and Fire stations.

A ‘Bubble” was created so our Church ministers and staff would be safe.
Services were soon delivered carefully but delivered.

Take a WALK

Eat good fatty foods. Take Vitamins and drink lots of water,
and take a walk and LOOK at things near and far away. Get out of your head with all that “noise and figure-figure think”.
LOOK at the trees and buildings and cars and sky and LOOK.

We watched a lot of TV and movies and we talked and cuddled a lot and soon danced and fell in love again.
We cooked several meals. We ordered out only a couple of times and we had groceries delivered.

There is a reason for life and livingness. Hopefully, I’ll find it before I  go.
so tell me what happened with you?

How did you manage to survive in 2020?

9 Replies to “How I survived well in the ’20s”

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  3. I relate to this so well. I am a 68 year old female. What 2020 did for me was to help me find a way to work from home. I set up an online business, I authored and published a book now on sale on Amazon ‘ twenty thirty forty years old and counting’ and I am writing another. I learned to appreciate just sitting and talking with my family. I learned to spend less money and I sold off a lot of things around the house that I described as clutter. 2020 had a lot of restrictions and downs, but I learned a lot from the change of activity.

  4. I tried to live as normally as possible and tried to stay as focused on positives as I could. It has served me well so far! That was also the year that I came across the whole “online thing” so everything that happened that year seems to have been to my advantage! I did still play it safe, though.

  5. I enjoyed exploring your website. The article on survival in the 20’s was very interesting. I do have feed back on this particular article: there was some spelling errors toward the beginning. 

    it was missing bold headlines to separate the different sections.

    I would like to have seen some graphics or pictures. 

    The last I would say about the site in general…more pictures.

    I loved the set up and the flow of it. The pages loaded quickly and it was easy to navigate.

    thank you for allowing me to offer feedback I hope it helps.

    I wish you good luck and great wealth!

    thank you, 


  6. We did okay during covid. Much better than a lot of people. I had just started 2 magazines in January of 2020 that really needed some TLC and face to face time with new clients – it didn’t happen. The magazines survived. We stocked up too and did a lot more cooking at home than usual. Somehow we made it through unaffected. Yes a few of the family got sick, but nothing lingering or long term. Like I said. Better than most. 

  7. HI there, it sounds as if you were well prepared for when the lockdown started where you live. For me the hardest part was the lack of social contact. I live on my own, with no family in the same country as me, so to be forbidden to see friends, was very hard for me. But getting out for fresh air and a walk every day, helped me to survive. 

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