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Read Dave Kluge’s Book
“The People’s Guide to The United States Constitution”

Know your rights,
protect your rights.

Our Constitution, the foundation of our freedoms as Americans, is only about 7,000 words or 25 pages long, yet many students and adults find it difficult to read and understand because of its over two-century-old language and unusual words. The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution was written with simple definitions and examples so now the original text can be read with understanding in just a few hours.

What about the United States Constitutional Rights
should you know?

Let’s cover this question in depth.
Today’s modern world it appears as these Constitutional Rights have become ignored, obscured, and misinterpreted, to the degree most people are unaware of them with the police having a whole different view of them as well.
So we have a litigious society in the USA.

Let’s sort this out. Let’s get back to basics.

The United Sates Constitution was conceived in 1773-76

In 1775 the English colonials were intimidated by English LAW and its haphazard application by corrupt colonial government officials. These local constables enforced traffic laws and commerce laws and land ownership even marriages and associations were suspect by these local officials.
Some English officials preferred to remain in the new world while others felt it a penality to be assigned a post to these colonies.
So confused and upset an insurrection and social opposition soon came about prompted by a 3rd party seeking the benefits and treasure of any winner or loser.

The Colonial BANKERS.
As it is today too many have “odd conspiracies” and fears of the other party to such a degree they would attempt a violent coup on the capital.

The Founding Fathers feared the Crown would increase its presence with additional Armed Forces to further enforce an unwanted rule and tax.

With no representation at the English Parliament, the Colonies assembled clandestinely and soon overtly to contest the ENGLISH rule. The New Rich Americans also wanted to protect their own coffers, chattel (slaves), and land ownership.

The “Federalist Papers” tells of a need for change and freedom from the CROWN.
This seed soon evolved to a FREEDOM without meaning without a goal but a defining FREEDOM of a free people. A people and state to build a new world a new idea.
A new kind of Government.

Government and ones Constitutional rights

As these men gathered in secret and soon in the open this idea of a free and democratic elected republic, governing was brought forward. Rules and definitions came about, barriers and freedoms and purposes evolved. Responsibilities assigned and a new GAME of a free nation was born. The Declaration of Independence was drawn up and signed by some of the bravest men of our time. These men risked their station in life their land their family ties their inheritance. Their very lives.

As these men gathered in secret and soon in the open this idea of a free and democratic elected republic, governing was brought forward. Rules and definitions came about barriers and freedoms and purposes evolved. Responsibilities assigned and a new GAME of a free nation was born. The Declaration of Independence was drawn up and signed by some of the bravest men of our time. These men risked their station in life their land their family ties their inheritance. Their very lives.

What are the RIGHTS of a Citizen

This concept was worked out for days and weeks. The rights of ALL men. The RIGHTS of Women. The Rights of landowners.
The rights of colored men (SLAVES) and the indigenous population.
What RIGHT should be allowed “THEM”.

The Idea that this Constitution should continue well into the future was also thought out.

At the time while drawing up these ideas when a RIGHT or Freedom was drawn and assigned it brought security as to its shelf life.
How could it be said plainly so it could be applied 200 years from now?
This document was a new idea and experiment in democracy.

The United States Constitution needs to be applied.

This brings us to an understanding that we should have a good knowledge of our rights, and our Constitutional Rights.
All Americans need to know their Constitutional Rights. These long fought after and protected RIGHTS must be known and understood and APPLIED.
That this document is unfamiliar ignored even misinterpreted, allows these RIGHTS to get altered even degraded.
Too many citizens are getting arrested and jailed even killed.
Radical violent acts are conjured up and soon a racist militia is organized and attempts a coup on the very Capital it purports to safeguard.

What are the Constitutional Rights of the citizen?
Know your RIGHTS.

Read this Book The People’s Guide to The United States Constitution”.

This book is a study of the United States Constitution.
and can be used to train students, immigrants seeking citizenship, community activists, and burgeoning politicians.
We will gain a New World conceived of 250 years ago.

Purchase your Book Today!
